Our mission

We will end the stigma of Mental Health.

| Our Objectives

  • 1. Create an online app, aimed at people with low moods and mental health problems, which is accessible to everyone in England and Wales by the end of 2020.

  • 2. With a minimum of two tyvéCARE employees, or volunteers, visit over 200 schools and their feeder places before 31st Decemeber 2021.

  • 3. Using a yearly percentage, calucalted by online data, surveys and opinions from professionals in the field of mental health, reduce the stigma of mental health in England and Wales by a third starting with data from 2021.

  • 4. Have atleast one representative from of our chairty housed either part-time or full-time inside every university in England and Wales by the end of 2023.

| Building an understanding community

  • Our charity is just starting but Mental Health has been effecting us all since time began. We want to act as quickly, as informed and as calmly as possible. We can only do this with a vibrant, caring and understanding community. Find out how to become part of our mission.

| An Offline and Online world

  • We believe that there is no synergy between you online, and yourself offline. We want to create a an energy and community that allows you to help in the same confidence in the real offline world, as you can in the online world. Using our app and the placement of our future volunteers and workers, we will create a world where online and offline seemlessy connect and interact.

| Teaching others about Mental Health

  • Related to our offline mission, and part of our objectives, we will begin teaching kids and students at young ages about Bullying, Predujice, Mental Health and Social Attitudes. We believe this is the best way to start alterating the stigma of future generations. All of these teachings will be done be a qualified Mental Health First Aider and or someone who belongs to the Charity and has been deemed worthy by the charity to speak about our chosen subjects.

Who are we?

  • We are small charity working towards the big picture. Based in Portsmouth, UK, we are working towards making online and offline worlds to help everyone.

  • We believe that all people should get the same level of respect and understanding in life. This is our core belief.

  • tyvéCARE belongs to tyvé and therefore share it’s beliefs. We want to create a world where everyone cares for each other and the planet we call home.

  • We want everyone to have fun, care for each other and be understanding when times get difficult.

What we do

  • Although we are just starting out as a company, and as a charity, we have big plans.

  • First of all, we are fundraising to design and publish an app to the world that connects everyone together, to better manage their daily mental health.

  • Our owner is currently writing articles on mental health, and we are adding to our social media accounts to give daily tips and advice on managing your mental health.

  • Although we currently have no services to directly help someone in a crisis, we are working towards that. Once our app is launched, we will be able to assist in that respect, with every single volunteer and employee being fully qualified in Mental Health First Aid. Our app will have a thorough 24/7 team, whom are extremely reactive and understanding.

We want you to enjoy life.

Frequently asked questions

| Why can’t you join up with other Mental Health charities?

  • We think all the work done by every chartiy is extremely important. This is not a competition. Luckily, thanks to our companies structure we are in a position to try other mediums of tackling Mental Health issues in the UK. In the most cases, we will be sharing our data with other charities. Sharing knowledge is power. This is not a competition, but a race where we are all on the same team.

| Are you a registered charity?

  • Due to the current climate of COVID-19, we are in a position where we have stopped applying to become a regsitsred charity. We are part of tyvéGROUP and are setting up to become a foundation and/or trust. This allows us to take profit from our commercial company and or collect donations to put work in towards our common goal, removing the stigma of Mental Health.

tyveCARE is part of tyveGROUP - 2020 Copyright

Registered Business No. 12608930

All rights reserved